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Past Student Participants


  • Melissa Ashman "Copy numbers variations in genomic DNA contribute to the patterns of autism spectrum disorder originating in the Appalachian regions of WV" Mentor: Dr. Eric Tucker, Neuroscience
  • Christina Attia "Retrospective study assessing patterns of failure to checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy in patient with Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer" Mentor:  Dr. Malcolm Mattes, Radiation Oncology
  • Roosevelt Kevin Ndonyi Boh "Ultrasound First in Pediatric Appendicitis: Translating Evidence to Practice" Mentor: Dr. Joseph Minardi, Emergency Medicine
  • Skylar Braga "Second Interosseous Pinch Strength as a Form of Isolated Ulnar Nerve Innervated Muscle Testing: Establishing Normative Data" Mentor: Dr. Sraj Shafic,  Orthopedics
  • Sarah Callaham "Wide Band Tympanometry (WBT) in Children with Otitis Media" Mentor: Dr. Michele Carr,  Pediatric Otolaryngology
  • Sonia Chandi "Upright Positron Emission Tomography Imaging for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury" Mentor: Dr. Julie Brefczynski Lewis, Neuroscience
  • James Donovan "Functional Eye Health Screening in the Elderly Trauma Patient" Mentor: Dr.  James Bardes, Surgery
  • Ronald Gwinn "Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Exosome Based Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis" Mentor: Dr. V. Rajendran, Biochemistry
  • Natalie Hobeika "Perceptions of Ultrasound Survey" Mentor: Dr. H. Wayne Lambert,  Pathology, Anatomy and Laboratory Medicine
  • Dylan Holland "MiRNA Profiling of Cardia Stem Cells in the Diabetic Heart" Mentor: Dr.  John Hollander,  Human Performance
  • Gage Hurlburt "Status of US EMS protocols regarding pre-transfer cooling for exertional heat stroke" Mentor: Dr.  Aaron Monseau, Emergency Medicine
  • Fatime Kassira "Nano formulation of molecular imaging probes" Mentor: Dr. Benoit Driesschaert, Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Akshay Kesari "JAK1 dependent regulation of ATF4 induced genes in neuroinflammatory disease models" Mentor: Dr. Gordon Meares, Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology
  • Oliver Lin "Timed chemotherapy after radiation-induced permeability of the Blood-tumor barrier, to improve tumor kill and survival in brain metastasis of breast cancer" Mentor: Dr. Paul Lockman, Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Sreyas Menon "Epidemiology of Occupational Transportation Injuries in WV" Mentor: Dr. Toni Marie Rudisill, Epidemiology
  • Arin Migaiolo "The relationship between prenatal substance use and diabetes during pregnancy and the development of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): a correlational study" Mentor: Dr. Amna Umer, Pediatrics
  • Josiah Nieto "Loss of Y-chromosome as a predictor of radiation resistance in male non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients" Mentor: Dr.  Ivan Martinez, Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology
  • Kinza Noor "Undergraduate student bystander intervention prior to arrival of emergency medical services: a needs assessment for education and training and reporting willingness to respond" Mentor: Dr. Heather Hayanga, Anesthesiology
  • Grant Nugent "Immunohistochemical Staining of Adrenergic Receptors in the Cerebrovasculature" Mentor: Dr. Ashley Petrone,  Pathology, Anatomy and Laboratory Medicine
  • Travis Schofield "Teleophthalmology Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: An Analysis of Patient Adherence with Ophthalmology Visits and Treatment" Mentor: Dr. Ghassan Ghorayeb, Ophthalmology
  • Raven Spencer "Comparison of facet joint violation using robot versus percutaneous fluoroscopic guided pedicle screw placement" Mentor: Dr. Cara Sedney, Neurosurgery
  • Brett Szeligo "Contribution of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) to Hypercoagulability in Acute Pancreatitis" Mentor: Dr. Brian Boone, Surgery
  • Rachel Tallman “The use of RNA sequencing to quantify circulating tumor cells in blood” Mentor: Dr. Michael Kolodney, Dermatology
  • Emily Thacker “Improving Prevention and Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders” Mentor: Dr. Erin Winstanley, Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry
  • Georgia Vasilakis "Selective Vulnerability of Somatostatin-Containing Interneurons in Early Alzheimer's Disease"" Mentor: Dr. Aric Agmon,  Neuroscience
  • Shanawar Ali Waris "Proline Metabolism in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells" Mentor: Dr. Jianhai Du, Ophthalmology